
Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Build a Free Website

 Why Learn HTML?

Making a free website is simple. But before we start putting it all together we first need to go through some rudimentary HTML. Getting to grips with basic HTML gives a complete beginner a simple understanding of the structure of a website and gives them a feel of the code.

Understanding code is important for any website designer... even a beginner. Even if someone was to use a very good WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editor they would still need to know some HTML and CSS to ‘tweak’ their site to perfection. No WYSIWYG editor makes a perfect site (not even Dreamweaver).  

Knowing a bit of website code gives you the ability and confidence to ‘create’ a site to your own specifications and tackle any problems that might arise from putting together a website (and no matter how good you are you always bump into problems while putting together sites!).

In the tutorial on this site we will cover some very basic HTML and CSS code and then put together a bare-bones but well presented website.

In the PDF accompanying this tutorial we will go into further details, and go through the required CSS rules needed to put together a more stylish Adsense website.
At the end of the tutorial we shall have a website that looks something like this:

But we have to start from the very beginning; we will start with the primary code of web-building; HTML.
About HTML tags
Due to the introduction of CSS, the numbers of HTML tags that are commonly used on websites have been drastically reduced. Using tables for layout is no longer a popular option because CSS has taken over control of nearly all elements regarding presentation.
The only role left for HTML is to look after the core structural elements of a website. A task which involves only a small number of tags. Making the modern incarnation of HTML (X)HTML very easy to learn.

Page-wide HTML tags
All tags are enclosed within two angled brackets. They are normally used in pairs; the first turns on an effect or opens a particular section and the second turns an effect off or closes a particular section. All websites use the following tags and have the following basic structural layout.

Notice that all tag pairs ends with a slash (for example <p> and </p>).
Most websites are contained within the tags shown in the diagram above. They will likely be present in all the pages of all the websites that you create. It is the backbone of all web pages. Their functions are:
  • <html> tags surrounds the whole web page. All other tags are contained within the <html> tag. It starts and finishes a webpage.
  • <head> section deals with most of the administrative details of your website. It tells the browser how it should render the page, it gives instructions to search engines on how the page should be indexed.
  • <title> tags also resides within the <head> section. The information contained within this tag is what is displayed on the bar at the top of the browser displaying the page name.
  • <body> tags contain the main bulk of the page. This is where the visible part of your site is contained.
  • <p> tags is a standard on most webpages and is used mostly to organize the content of a web page.

Google AdSense Strategies

 Different types of AdSense Strategies:
What are the best Google AdSense strategies? What are the best ways to make money using AdSense?
There are a number of known Google AdSense strategies, some are safe while others are notoriously risky. The safe options tend to be long and drawn out while the more risky strategies can often deliver quick results.

Types of Google AdSense strategies
There are different ways to make money with Google AdSense. Most of the best strategies are risk free, though some may get you banned by Google if practiced excessively. So choose which strategy you decide to use wisely. Avoid taking risks but if you have to, make sure you know what you are doing.

Here are some of the most practiced Google AdSense strategies:
  • The Shallow Site Approach – Only a few pages are needed to execute this strategy. And as long as the flow of traffic through them is heavy enough, substantial amounts of AdSense revenue can be generated. This strategy can be executed very quickly but it requires a very good niche theme to accomplish with any success. There is a small amount of risk involved with this approach but this primarily depends on the means by which traffic is directed through the site.

  • The Broad Site Approach – This strategy attempts to make the most out of AdSense by focusing on quantity. This method gets high levels of traffic by utilizing a multitude of poorly trafficked webpages. It relies on the overall traffic volume to generate healthy AdSense revenues. The standard of sites using this approach doesn’t necessarily have to be poor as there a acceptable ways of creating a lot of good quality content quickly without using automated methods that spam the Search Engines (for example user-generated content).

  • The Authority Site Approach – This is the method most encouraged by Google and therefore the method most likely to reap significant long-term benefits. It basically involves the creation of a large, quality, AdSense website. It is the long-approach of making money with Google AdSense and requires a lot of time and patience to accomplish successfully. But can be the most lucrative strategy. There are no real risks to this method as long as Google’s Terms of Service (ToS) are adhered to.

  • Revenue Sites – This strategy is quiet risky because it involves a technique that is openly discouraged by Google. It often uses automated methods to generate hundreds (sometimes even thousands) of sites. However, the practice of creating hundreds of revenue sites to make AdSense money has worked for many AdSense publishers over the years and can be extremely lucrative. The method essentially works by focusing on long-tail search terms and the principle of ‘quantity' over 'quality’.

  • AdSense Arbitrage – This is another method that is discouraged by Google. It has become difficult strategy to use lately due to some new rules that Google have added to both their AdSense and AdWords schemes. But some experienced AdSense publishers still use AdSense arbitrage to make significant amounts of money.
These are some of the strategies used to make money with Google AdSense. Some publishers use a combination of different methods to draw traffic to their sites to enhance their AdSense earnings. The more experienced you are with AdSense, the more familiar you will become with the various strategies used to make money and the more prolific you will become with using them.

Common AdSense Mistakes

AdSense misconceptions

With all the fanfare around AdSense, it’s easy to get confused and loose your way. While putting a project together it’s important that you remain focused and remain persistent.
One of the biggest barriers to AdSense success is a gradual decline in motivation. This can affect anyone, at any stage of a project. 
This combined with a general lack of understanding regarding how large a project can be and the timescales involved means that a large percentage of AdSense project falls to the wayside before completion.

Don’t be disillusioned about how AdSense works

Understand and ingest what it takes to build and market a successful AdSense website. One core thing to remember about all this is that the market is there. There are millions of people surfing the net everyday and the numbers are still growing. Here are some useful points to remember when embarking on an AdSense project:
  • Plan, organise and research. Choose a theme that is going to be of interest to you (helps with motivation) and one that is in demand but still niche (look at researching AdSense topics).
  • Don’t focus too much on the money. It can seriously damage your chances of success. The prospect of earning AdSense cash can make you extremely impatient and it can make you lose focus. Remember, it’s the quality of the content that draws in the crowd; that should be your first priority.
  • Know the full extent of a project. A project not only includes the planning and building of a website, it also includes the time required to market it. In fact more time is used marketing a site then actually putting it together (look at AdSense and SEO).
So the journey is only half complete after building the site, the more difficult struggle is getting your website noticed.
  • Keep building and keep marketing. Treat your AdSense website like a business. Don’t leave it stagnant. Like a store that doesn’t stock its shelves with fresh produce, if you leave your site unattended for too long, its material will quickly get out of date. And this would be noticeable to your visitors.Continue to build new pages, expand and update when necessary. Write blogs about your site, join forums and tell everyone about your fantastic AdSense website.

Keep focused and follow your project through

A theme that runs through all these tips is the need to keep focused and remain motivated. It can be difficult when only after five months on a project you’re only getting a measly $5.00 a month. But if you’ve planned and researched your site thoroughly and you’ve isolated the right keywords, written good quality material and have a decent looking user friendly site, you will be rewarded in the end with a good source of AdSense income. But remember not to give up just before it comes your way.
Here a few more general tips to keep you on the straight and narrow path towards AdSense success:
  • Try and use the right types of ads for certain locations of your site. The only way to know what ads works best and where is to experiment. The same principle applies to working out what colours work best.
Don’t get obsessive about tweaking your AdSense site (...remember AdSense fever?). Try and write out a schedule for optimizing your AdSense site and try to keep to it. More importantly keep an AdSense journal to write out all your observations and keep all you notes so you don’t keep going over hold ground. 
  • Use ad link units. These are serious money earners if used properly. Again find the right locations to place them on your site.
  • Don’t rush. Knowing that large sites are the true AdSense money earners there is a temptation to build a large site as quickly as possible. But building a large quality website quickly isn’t realistic. If you don’t want to create a poor quality, low performing AdSense website, you have to be patient and build your material gradually.
As long as you are consistent, persistent and organized you will get your AdSense business up and running successfully in due time.